Saturday, April 07, 2012


Today I saw Titanic in 3D, starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio.

The story tells of a fictional love between first-class Rose (Winslet) and poverty-stricken Jack (DiCaprio) who meet on the doomed real-life ship, the Titanic.

When I saw the film for the first time as a college student in 1997, and then repeatedly throughout 1998, I was drooling over DiCaprio and immersing myself in the history of the actual shipwreck. To me, every part of the movie was magical. The incredible detail of the sets and props; the uncanny resemblance between the actors and the real people they portrayed; the horror of the mammoth ship sinking. For a running time in excess of three hours, the pace went amazingly fast and not a moment was wasted on unnecessary scenes.

Today, as the 100th anniversary of the shipwreck nears, I found it just as effective.

Sure, it's fashionable to hate anything that is this successful—and even more so to trash 3D versions of older movies—but I could really care less about people with those 'opinions.' There is a reason Titanic is so successful, folks. And as for directors who know what they're doing when it comes to 3D, James Cameron is at the top of the list.

I liked seeing Leo and Kate dance a jig up-close; and loved seeing the ship practically jump into our laps as it drastically sunk, but I'm not saying the effects were overbearing. The 3D portion was done so masterfully, that for most of the movie, I forgot it was there. To me, the less trickery the better, so this was ideal.

It was also lovely to watch the young Leo and Kate shine in their leading roles, supported by the hilarious Kathy Bates and the sneering Billy Zane. It felt like going to a family reunion of sorts.

Though I agree with critics that don't think every movie should be re-purposed in 3D, as far as this one was concerned, it was a good call.

What a treat to have another excuse to see such a great production on the big screen.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're blog is very interesting! I agree with how good Titanic was. Titanic (movie) is a tragic story about star-crossed lovers. It was done so nicely, too. It had a good plot, setting, and characters. The 3D was done very well, as well.